One of our most popular plants, and rightly so, Star Jasmine is a woody, evergreen climber with scented white long-lasting flowers in summer and rich, dark green leaves which turn bronze in winter.
Site and Soil
Trachelospermum thrives in very free draining soils of moderate to high fertility. It prefers neutral to alkaline soil conditions, but will grow in slightly acid soils. Full sun or dappled shade is required, with shelter from cold, drying winds. A south, south-west or west-facing wall would be ideal.
Water and Pruning
Water plants freely during the growing season (especially container grown specimens) to ensure that they don’t dry out. Water only sparingly during the winter, allowing the surface of the compost to dry out between waterings. Trachelospermum requires little formative pruning and training, but young growth will need some guiding and tying-in to supports until it is able to twine and climb. Maintenance pruning is done in spring, and consists simply of thinning out congested, weak or badly placed shoots.
Top dress garden specimens with a general long-lasting fertiliser in the spring.
Clifton Nurseries Garden Centre
London, W9 2PH
0207 432 1867
Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm; Sat 9am - 7pm; Sun 10.30am - 4.30pm
Clifton Nurseries Garden Services
London, W9 2PX