Originating in Madagascar, the common name for the Dracaena marginata is the Madagascar Dragon Tree. The Dracaena fragrans originates in Central Africa.
A good plant for low light levels. Will not tolerate direct sunlight.
Generally these plants do not like drying out completely, although if the plant is in a position of low light, its water uptake will be considerably slower. Therefore the time lapse between watering will be far greater. Always allow the surface of the compost to dry between watering. Never allow the plant to stand in water for any length of time.
Minimum temperature of about 15ºC (59ºF).
Feed once a month with a liquid fertiliser only from April to September.
Dracaenas may not need repotting every year. In a plastic pot, you can often tell when they need repotting as the pot will develop bulges at the sides. When you do repot, you should only go up one pot size at a time.
When the head of the Dracaena has become too large it is possible to cut it back, although this will considerably slow down the growth of the plant. It is best to only cut back into the green fleshier parts of the plant, because if you cut into older, woody parts, they do not always produce new shoots.
Clifton Nurseries Garden Centre
London, W9 2PH
0207 432 1867
Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm; Sat 9am - 7pm; Sun 10.30am - 4.30pm
Clifton Nurseries Garden Services
London, W9 2PX