Houseplants are ideal for adding colour, texture, vibrancy and life to a room, enhancing any interior style. Studies have shown that they can help improve wellbeing and mood, and even in some cases, air quality.
With hundreds and thousands of different houseplants available it’s easy to wonder where to start - as just like us humans, houseplants are all different, with different plants for different places, functions and styles.
Being rather obsessed with houseplants it’s very hard for us to narrow them down and choose our favourites but we had a go! What are your favourite houseplants? Here are just a few to get you thinking …
The Unkillables
Epipremnum aureum – Devil’s Ivy
Anybody can be green-fingered with this trio of tough, long lasting indoor plants. They are (almost!) impossible to kill and won’t need much care and attention to thrive and look good.
Epipremnum aureum – Devil’s Ivy
One of the easiest to grow and enjoys sun or shade. Attractive heart-shaped leaves in cheerful green and yellow.
Our Tip: Can be grown up a moss pole, hanging down, trailing across a trellis, or over the edge of a pot – the choice is yours.
Sansevieria - Snake Plant
Stiff, upright, sword-shaped variegated leaves in a range of colours. Tough as old boots and thrives in sun or partial sun.
Our Tip: Don’t tell the mother-in-law that one of this plant’s common names is ‘Mother-in-law’s tongue’.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia – ZZ
Easier to refer to by its common name of ‘ZZ’, looks exotic but is tough as nails. Stunning glossy foliage.
Our Tip: If you ever thought you couldn’t grow plants, this is the one for you!
Strikingly Spikey
Available in many fabulous shapes and sizes, it’s very easy to get addicted to the Cacti and Succulents of the houseplant world! Just don’t overwater them and they’ll be your friends for life.
They may be prickly but they’re very stylish and, in many cases, just so cute! Put them in a bright position, treat them mean with little water and plant food and they’ll reward you.
Our Tip: Plant them in groups, either in single pots or multiple plants in larger pots.
Think tall desert cacti – but much smaller. Striking, structural and easy to maintain, they prefer bright indirect sunlight and are drought tolerant.
Our Tip: Euphorbia can pretty much live for ever so it’s worth investing in the correct Cactus compost for repotting.
Aloe vera
This plant pretty much has it all – it’s ornamental, has medicinal uses and is well known for its air purifying abilities.
Our Tip: Give your Aloe vera a holiday outside in the garden during the summer – but don’t forget to return it indoors once the temperature drops.
Cheerfully Colourful
Impossible to resist are those houseplants with either coloured foliage or coloured flowers – coordinate the colours with your interior design for a stylish décor.
Surely these must be one of the most gifted plants and what better gift to receive than such a long-lasting, easy-to-care for plant with stunning dramatic flowers in a range of colours? And if you’re not given one, we’re strong believers in treating yourself!
Our Tip: Avoid overwatering orchids but mist their leaves and aerial roots regularly.
Beautiful brilliant Begonias deserve a place in every home due to their stunning coloured leaves with a range of markings. Keep them humid in bright indirect sunlight and they’ll reward you many times over.
Our Tip: Begonia dislike getting wet feet so let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.
Calathea – Prayer Plants
Long lived plants with large patterned leaves in different colours, Calathea are distinctive in that they raise their leaves at night in a ‘praying’ position, lowering them again during the day.
Our Tip: A statement plant ideal for providing a tropical look – once you have one, you’ll want more!
Dramatically Large
Monstera deliciosa – Swiss Cheese Plant
Large houseplants are ideal for larger rooms and spaces, creating a bold statement and providing that wonderfully lush indoor jungle feel. Invest in some large leafy houseplants, relax and feel in touch with nature.
Monstera deliciosa – Swiss Cheese Plant
The fabulous Monstera is renowned for its large, glossy green leaves with distinctive holes, resembling a slice of Swiss cheese. With support it will grow pretty much as big as you want indoors.
Our Tip: Remember to let the soil dry out before watering to avoid any root rot.
Ficus lyrata – Fiddle-leaf Fig
Stylishly bold, with large glossy leaves, ideal as a dramatic focal point. Larger specimens available as single or multi-stem plants – so there’s one for every taste.
Our Tip: Wash the leaves occasionally with leaf wipes, or water and a cloth, to keep them glossy and dust free.
Howea forsteriana – Kentia Palm
The perfect indoor palm with lush upright growth. Very easy to look after, requires minimal care.
Our Tip: Despite being a palm this strong plant thrives even in low light environments.
Hanging over the Edge
Sedum morganianum – Burro’s Tail
Running out of space for your houseplant collection? There’s always room for more hanging plants – ideal for enjoying all that beautiful foliage at eye level.
Sedum morganianum – Burro’s Tail
A fantastic succulent bearing thick trailing stems covered with overlapping, plump, blue-green leaves. Very low maintenance, hang in a sunny spot, don’t overfeed or overwater – just stand back and admire!
Our Tip: To encourage the plant to bush out more, remove leaves from a small portion of the stem to stimulate side-branching.
Ceropegia woodii – String of Hearts
Despite looking slightly delicate, this stunning beautiful trailing plant is a tough one. The numerous heart-shaped grey leaves have attractive mottling and pinkish undersides.
Our Tip: Being a succulent, Ceropegia thrives in bright indirect sunlight – allow soil to dry out between watering.
Philodendron scandens - Sweetheart Plant
With its heart shape leaves, this grows in pretty much any direction – either upwards as a climber (with support), or trailing and hanging from or around furniture and other items. Fast growing and easy to maintain.
Our Tip: Looking for a green curtain? Hang a row of these to make a living beautiful screen.
Clifton Nurseries Garden Centre
London, W9 2PH
0207 432 1867
Mon-Fri 9am - 5.30pm; Sat 9am - 7pm; Sun 10.30am - 4.30pm
Clifton Nurseries Garden Services
London, W9 2PX